Relationship-focused, evidence-based therapy tailored to you


Dr. Hanford is a licensed clinical psychologist who works with school-age children, adolescents, parents, families and adults. Specialty areas include:

Individual Therapy

  • ADHD
    (including weaknesses in initiation, organization/planning and working memory)
  • Adjustment issues
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Disruptive behavior
  • Eating disorders
    (using multidisciplinary and, with younger clients, family-based treatment approaches)
  • Emotional dysregulation & self-harm
    (adolescents only; using DBT - Dialectical Behavior Therapy - techniques)
  • High functioning autism
    (formerly Asperger’s Disorder)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Stress and coping
  • Transitioning to college/launching to adulthood
Russell B. Hanford, PhD

Family Therapy

  • Family issues as well as concerns about individual family members are sometimes best addressed with all or part of the family present.  This is particularly true when the family member who is the primary concern resents being the “identified patient” and refuses individual therapy.  Family therapy typically focuses on communication and problem-solving skills, tracking target behaviors, rewards and consequences, validation, subsystems, boundaries, enmeshment and disengagement.
Russell B. Hanford, PhD

Parent Consultation

  • Some young clients refuse both individual and family therapy. In those cases, working with just the parents is often both a practical and effective option. 
Russell B. Hanford, PhD


  • ADHD (adults only)
Russell B. Hanford, PhD


Please complete the following appropriate (based on the type of client you are) set of forms prior to your first visit. Doing so will allow us more time to talk at the initial session. You’re welcome to bring hardcopies with you to the first meeting or email me your responses in advance. I’m required to give you the Notice to Protect, but you don’t need to sign or return it.

Russell B. Hanford, PhD